Cloth Menstrual pads, Cloth Tampons, Cups, etc
Cloth panty liners, pads & tampons, menstrual cups & storage solutons,
Breastpads, washable tissues (handkerchiefs) etc.
It seems only natural to those choosing cloth nappies to look at cloth menstrual wear too, since disposable pads and tampons create a significant volume of waste when viewed across a woman's fertile years. Many do not like what we hear about the content of disposable pads and there are concerns over the use of tampons too. In addition, disposable pads can be stiff and uncomfortable, and can cause problems with reactions and rashes too - hands up those who got severe 'nappy rash' with post partum loss? I did, I used disposable maternity ones in hospital after the birth of my daughter - couldn't wait to get home to my homemade cloth pads! We usually choose cotton underwear and clothing - why not for our delicate bits too.
We now stock the redesigned Lunapads range, both the Pads and the slimmer Pantyliners, in varying sizes to suit your flow..PadsPads are designed to meet needs ranging from light to very heavy menstrual flow, as well as light or stress incontinence. All Pad styles feature a 2 layer 100% cotton flannel base topped with a central pad made with 1 layer or ultra-thin breathable polyurethane laminate and 2 layers of 100% cotton fleece, plus ric-rac bands to hold the Insert supplied with the pad in place. Exrtra inserts are available separately.Note: Inserts are designed for use with Lunapads and are not suitable for use on their own - for a slimmer pad use Pantyliners. PantylinersPantyliners are designed to meet needs ranging from daily discharge to very light menstrual flow, and are also popular as backup protection for Sponges or The Mooncup. All Pantyliner styles feature a 2 layer 100% cotton flannel base topped with a central pad made with 2 layers of 100% cotton fleece. Note: Pantyliners are designed to be used on their own, not with Inserts.
Lunapad insert booster packs
Inserts enhance the absorbency and freshness of Lunapads. The Inserts sit on top of Lunapads by fitting under thin ric-rac bands. To keep your Lunapad fresh and dry, just change Inserts, it's that simple! Made from soft, absorbent 100% soft cotton fleece, you can add one or more Inserts to your Lunapad to increase absorbency to meet your needs, and, economically giving you less to carry around.
Machine wash & dry, no added chemicals or fragrance, and may be reused for 5 years or more.Note: Inserts are not designed for use without a Lunapad